Thursday, 19 June 2014

Fruit Tingle by Ulta3 - Design 4 - Random Skittle Mani

This is one of those paint jobs where you go in with an idea and then nothing works so you end up doing something completely different from what you initially intended. As I started creating this manicure I was firmly in the mind I would do a Moroccan style of print but it wasn't working. I therefore removed that and tried to repaint my nails to do a gradient but my base colours were not drying due to how cold it is at my house. My dad then told me to move into the lounge room where it was warm to paint my nails and I finally settled on painting a skittle manicure, due to the fact I now had so many different coloured fingers due to the amount of designs I had attempted.

As much as I like the idea of a skittle manicure, my execution is quite poor. I'm going to blame the freezing cold that wasn't allowing the polish to dry on my nails. This is really obvious on the taped finger where I had to fill in some gaps where the stripping tape pulled off the base colour. 

The polishes I used for this skittle were Ulta3 - Fruit Tingle (pink), Ulta3 - Black Satin (black), Sinful Colors - Snow Me White (white), Rimmel - Your Majesty (silver) and Sinful Colors - Queen of Beauty (Silver Glitter). 

Oh and the other thing, I didn't make a pictorial for this, which is my bad. If you're really keen on seeing a pictorial I can possibly pull one together. However I don't think there is anything in this manicure that is that hard to repeat, apart from the design on the ring finger, which you can find a good tutorial on here by ohmygoshpolish.

The only reason this design disappoints me is because the execution is terrible but more pre-thought could have prevented that. Also the weather is just not conductive for good nail painting. I think if I were to redo this design they would look a million times better but for a first attempt these are ok, and I hope you enjoy them.

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