Sunday, 15 June 2014

Fruit Tingle by Ulta3 - Design 3 - Glitter Ball Nails

Last post I hinted that my next design will include glitter placement. I am happy to announce that it does involve glitter and they are the bomb! So Sparkly! I was inspired by polish all the nails who is the most amazing at glitter placement. Of course her's are a million times better than my one accent nail, but these were amazingly fun to do and I will be experimenting more in the future. Now check out those sparkles!

I actually got the glitter from K-mart for about 3 dollars. I placed each little glittery hexagon, because the glitter is hexagon shaped, on my nails using a toothpick. There are actually two polishes used in this design, Rimmel - Your Majesty which is what's under the glitter bomb on my ring finger, and of course Ulta3 - Fruit Tingle. I have a pictorial which will explain this process, so let's just put that below to show you.

1. Paint your nails a similar colour to the glitter you're going to use. I used Rimmel - Your Majesty to match my silver glitter. Wait for it to dry completely.
2. Admire your beautiful glitter? and paint some top coat on your nails (a slow drying one is better as you want to stick your glitter to it and this can take a while).
3. Using a toothpick pick up one piece of glitter at a time and put it on your nails. This is easier if the glitter is on a flat surface such as a piece of paper.
4. Keep going, carefully lining up each bit of glitter side by side. Look, I've done about half here and it is starting to look good.
5. Keep adding top coat and glitter as you need. If you have any overhanging glitter at the top of your nails, trim it off and add a top coat over the glitter.
6. Paint your nail with pink polish, I used Ulta3 - Fruit Tingle, and leave a half moon at the base of your nails. 
7. Add some top coat and carefully line the half moon with glitter using the same method as before.
8. Top the whole thing with top coat and admire the sparkling.

Unfortunately I painted these at night so I haven't gotten to see the glitter in the sunlight yet. All my pictures are therefore taken in my light box. However tomorrow I'll be sure to take some pictures in the sun and edit them in to show you. I hope you like these! They'll probably stay on my nails for a while :D. Now pictures for you to look at until the next design is up!

All the glitter!!

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